
USX10-H10 Force Sensor

Small 6-axis sensor (Fz: ± 500N or ± 1500N). Often used in places where measurement of moments is required, such as climbing holds or the head of the shift lever of an automobile for stress measurement.


Model USX10-H10-500N USX10-H10-1.5KN
Rated capacity Fx・Fy ±250N ±750N
Fz ±500N ±1500N
Mx・My ±4N•m ±12N•m
Mz ±2N•m ±6N•m
Rated output Fx・Fy Approx. 0.40mV/V (800με) Approx. 0.40mV/V (800με)
Fz Approx. 0.80mV/V (1600με) Approx. 0.80mV/V (1600με)
Mx・My Approx. 1.2mV/V (2400με) Approx. 1.2mV/V (2400με)
Mz Approx. 1.5mV/V (3000με) Approx. 1.9mV/V (3800με) 
Allowable overload 150%
Non-linearity ±1.0% RO (after interference correction)
Hysteresis ±1.0% RO (after interference correction)
Interference ±1.0% RO (after interference correction)
Guaranteed temperature range 10 to 60℃ (No condensation)
Allowable temperature range -10 to 70℃ (No condensation)
Temperature effect on zero ±0.05% RO / ℃
Temperature effect on output ±0.05% / ℃
Recommended applied voltage 1 to 3V DC
Allowable applied voltage 6V DC
Input resistance 49 to 52Ω (common to BV)
Output resistance Fx・Fy・Mx・My: 116 to 124Ω 
Fz・Mz: 234 to 246Ω 
Initial disproportion ±1.5mV/V (±3000με)
Insulation resistance 1000MΩ / 50V DC or more
Cable 8-core shielded cable (2m)
Connector: 8-pin MD connector
External dimensions W30×D30×H10(mm)  
Weight 15g (excl. cables) 40g (excl. cables)